
Yogoman & Bongo Jac in Portland, OR

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Simon's Basement, 4036 N Commercial Ave, Portland, OR

Jordan Rain/Yogoman, a Northwest musician of 30 years, is exiting the NW as a home base after 43 years and moving to the South, deep East Texas to be exact, in the town of Linden to be precise. Rain asked his good friend Simon Rutherford of Portland Oregon if he'd host a show with Rain's chilled out - positive - rhythmic and romantic - husband and wife duo - Yogoman & Bongo Jac, the tirelessly astonishing Kelly'Okinga's future primitive electronic music project - Transparent Aluminum, and Larry Yes, the cosmic - positive - psychedelic - folk champion of Portland. Simon said "that would be fun." and "we could do it in the basement," and when I asked him about the line up, he replied "coolest." And so it is, on Monday, September 18th of 2017, please come vibe out deep on these three 30+ year alien abductee galactic melody making music veterens and graciously gift a dedicated and positive NW musician to the Southern region. "Why" you ask? And i reply "because it feels good to give." On that quote note, if you want to donate some denero to Yogoman & Bongo Jac's two giant rigs (40 & 50 foot vehicles/trailer combos) moving his family 3000 miles south, the gas bill alone is estimated at $3000+, so donations are happily accepted. That said Portland, we hope you'll come and enjoy the love and warmth of your community in Simon's basement as the leaves begin to change color, and the temperture begins to drop, just like the music.

7-10pm // BYOWhatever // Please respect Simon's home